About Us

Protection and safety should be everyone’s #1 priority. With an increasing crime rate, we know how important it is to feel safe and at ease in your own environment. This is exactly what our protection dogs are trained for.


Keeping YOU, YOUR FAMILY and YOUR environment safe while putting your mind at ease knowing there’s always “someone” patrolling there for you.


While being a faithful soldier at your command, our dogs are beautiful, lovely and friendly companions that will make you and your family’s life more enjoyable and pleasant the moment you become its owner.


This is done through our specific & personalised training, that will make it instantly recognise you and your closed ownes as the owners, making it become your ally and friend for life.

Get in touch with us

It’s the most loyal of friends who will always be there. Adapting. Protecting. Loving.

Contact us now. Your protection is our #1 priority.